Sanando Autismo por Kerri Rivera D.Hom, SPANISH

La Doctora Kerri Rivera comparta su experiencia con el tratamiento de niños con autismo utilizando CDS entre otros medios. Ya tuvo más de 100 casos recuperados del autismo.

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Vestibulum ante nisl, euismod eu augue id, rhoncus pharetra urna. Mauris sit amet mi sed dolor luctus suscipit vel non enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi pellentesque enim nec accumsan commodo. Morbi finibus lectus nec elit ultricies, quis convallis dolor mattis. Maecenas vitae mattis urna. Morbi vitae odio suscipit, suscipit

“I had a terrible cancer, first it started in my knee and then it spread into my lungs. I had to user oxygen everywhere I went.  A friend introduced me to MMS, after taking it for 15 days, I didn’t need the oxygen anymore. It felt like all the air was for me! My hair and nails started to grow back, my skin got soft again. The doctors did all the studies on me, there is no more cancer in my bones or in my lungs!”
Jenni Patricia Mejia

from Colombia

“I tried CDS and felt a big relief from my symptoms”
Eduardo Menoni

from Venezuela