Hope in times of Covid-19
coronavirus relief
100 Covid-10 patients in Ecuador healed with the treatment of Chlorine Dioxide under the supervision of AEMEMI (Asoc. Ecuatoriana de Médicos Expertos en Medicina Integrativa)
Cholrine Dioxide heals Covid-19
Andreas Ludwig Kalcker has been researching chlorine dioxide for therapeutic purposes for 13 years. With this video he wants to publish officially the first success of treatment again coronavirus or covid-19 with more than 100 effected people recovered after only four days. This is a preliminary trial that has been contacted by the Association of medical doctors AEMEMI and has served as a base for international multicentrical trials registered with the NIH of the United States.
See the progress of the study here: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04343742