La pandemia de covid-19 ha producido un golpe fuerte al sistema sanitario a nivel mundial y Latinoamérica, Ecuador es el segundo país con mayor número de contagios y muertes por esta enfermedad. Frente a los diferentes obstáculos de la medicina convencional y a las medidas tardías tomadas por el sistema de salud ecuatoriano de cara a la emergencia sanitaria, la Asociación de Médicos Expertos en Medicina Integrativa (AEMEMI) y educandos de Andreas Kalcker han visto la urgencia de tomar -partida en esta lucha por la salud de los ecuatorianos. En este escenario se evidencio la efectividad y toxicidad del Dióxido de cloro en acientes sintomáticos respiratorios y positivos para SARS-CoV2 (covid-19) a través de un estudio Cuasi-experimental en 104 pacientes donde se describió lo observado en relación a uso de CDS. Se constató que el
grupo más afectado por Covid-19 corresponde a edades entre 30 y 50 años, siendo el sexo femenino el más prevalente en relación al masculino, en este estudio donde la población femenina fue la que acepto este tratamiento experimental con CDS, por eso nuestras estadísticas arrojan este resultado que se contrapone a las cifras de afectación por covid 19, donde observamos que es más la población masculina la que fallece en datos estadística mundial. En cuanto a la sintomatología destaca la pérdida del olfato n=49, seguidos de tos seca n=45, dolor de garganta n=41, mialgia n=49, fiebre n=40, dolor de espalda n=40, cefalea n=37, perdida de sabores n=36, falta de apetito n=32, dificultad para respirar n=17, escalofríos n=16, diarrea n=12, y vomito n=3, siendo esta la sintomatología inicial obteniendo evidente reducción general de síntomas del 82,2% al cuarto día de tratamiento y el restante 18.8% presento secuelas leves como tos seca y dorsalgia, cabe resaltar que no se registró mortalidad ni efectos adversos en este grupo estudiado. Es prioritario realizar otras investigaciones mediante análisis estadísticos avanzados donde se incluyan criterios a todos los pacientes como pruebas de laboratorio, imágenes, y asegurar una muestra amplia estratificando la gravedad critica, moderada y leve a fin de demostrar de manera certera la efectividad y bajos efectos tóxicos de este Mineral.
CDS Health Blog
Protocols, Tips, & More
Desmintiendo documento de la FDA sobre el Dióxido de Cloro por Andreas Kalcker, Spanish
Study: antiviral activity of chlorine dioxide and sodium hypochlorite
The Society for Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents, Japan, 2010Abstract We evaluated the antiviral activity of a chlorine dioxide gas solution (CD) and sodium hypochlorite (SH) against feline calicivirus, human influenza virus, measles virus, canine distemper virus,...
Study: Inactivation of influenza virus haemagglutinin by CDS
Journal of General Virology, December 1st 2012 Abstract Airborne influenza virus infection of mice can be prevented by gaseous chlorine dioxide (ClO2). This study demonstrated that ClO2 abolished the function of the haemagglutinin (HA) of influenza A virus (H1N1) in a...
Study: Protective effect of low-concentration CDS against influenza A virus infection
Journal of General Virology, January 1st 2008Abstract Influenza virus infection is one of the major causes of human morbidity and mortality. Between humans, this virus spreads mostly via aerosols excreted from the respiratory system. Current means of prevention of...
Study: Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of Chlorine Dioxide Solution
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, March 2017Abstract In this study, a chlorine dioxide solution (UC-1) composed of chlorine dioxide was produced using an electrolytic method and subsequently purified using a membrane. UC-1 was...
Sanando Autismo por Kerri Rivera D.Hom, SPANISH
La Doctora Kerri Rivera comparta su experiencia con el tratamiento de niños con autismo utilizando CDS entre otros medios. Ya tuvo más de 100 casos recuperados del autismo.
CDS resuelve trastornos “permantentes” de vacunación, SPANISH
CDS cura cáncer de piel, SPANISH
Explicacion cientifica del dioxido de cloro con Dr. Eduardo Insignares Médico Cirujano en Colombia, SPANISH
Dr. Mauricio Quiñónez: el médico que se curó con dióxido de cloro, SPANISH
US Patent for the use of Chlorine Dioxide in Teeth Whitening
United States Patent 8703106, USA, 08/31/2012Abstract Methods for administration of a substantially non-cytotoxic chlorine dioxide composition to whiten a tooth surface are provided. The method comprises contacting a surface of a tooth with an efficacious amount of a...
Protected: Como preparar el CDS
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Why does Chlorine Dioxide work against COVID-19?
Andreas Ludwig Kalcker, April, 2020[smartvideo_divi_module _builder_version="4.4.8" video_src="another_source" another_source="" poster_src="media_library"...
Protocol C – normal cases
Author: Andreas Kalcker
Clinical Trials: Oral Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19
National Library of Medicine, USA, May 27th 2020Abstract Abstract The objective of this study is to review, through prospective case research, the efficacy of oral chlorine dioxide in the treatment of patients with COVID infection 19. The research will be carried out...
Study: Adenovirus in Drinking Water Using Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection
National Library of Medicine, USA, April 1st 2019 Abstract According to the Dutch Drinking Water Act of 2011, Dutch drinking water suppliers must conduct a Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) for infection by the following index pathogens: enterovirus,...
Medical Study: Chlorine Dioxide is effective against the Porcine Virus (swine Flu)
National Library of Medicine, USA, Nov 3rd 2018Abstract Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) causes a great economic loss to the swine industry globally. Current prevention and treatment measures are not effective to control the outbreak and...
Interview with Andreas Kalcker reg. COVID, Spanish
Andreas Kalcker, biofísico Alemán en exclusiva nos cuenta desde Suiza todo acerca del Dióxido de Cloro y como se han recuperado personas afectados por el...
Over 100 Recoverded from Covid-19 with CDS by Physicians of the AEMEMI
Author: Andreas Kalcker, March 21st 2020Need to make changes to your health? You’re Not Alone. And I’m Here to Help! Learn about the amazing benefits of Chlorine Dioxide by reading through the blog section of this website and by subscribing to our newsletter. We will...
Coronavirus Special Information
Author: Andreas Kalcker, March 21st 2020 CHLORINE DIOXIDE FOR CORONAVIRUS: A REVOLUTIONARY, SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE APPROACH March 2020 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23856.71680 License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Project: Toxicity study of chlorine dioxide in solution (CDS) ingested orally....
Recover Energy
As we said earlier on, disease is a lack of energy. Getting energy is quite easy just by eating… and exercising, of course. The problem is that a sick person doesn’t usually have the energy needed to run a marathon or enough oxygen for the correct functioning of all...
Fear is a bad Adviser and a great Salesman
Many readers have never heard of chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite. It’s also known as MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution), which is the name Jim Humble gave to this substance, since its results back then seemed… “miraculous” to him.The Internet is full of testimonials...
Disease is a Lack of Energy
What is Disease? All diseases have something in common… Disease is a...